How awesome would it be to drive a motorcycle with Popo while Nana hangs out in a side car?! Nana could hold the items, and Popo could handle the driving. I mean, who would’ve thought we’d see a game like Hyrule Warriors? Or Link in a Mario Kart game for that matter. It’s crazy and off the wall - two staples of any Nintendo idea these days. He decides to come out of retirement for one last race, and now he’s a selectable character in Mario Kart 8. Captain Falcon yells, “Falcon Punch!” and destroys the television. It’s a bit of an obvious choice since F-Zero is a racing franchise owned by Nintendo and the Blue Falcon ship is a new kart in the DLC packs, but picture this: The DLC starts out by showing a retired Captain Falcon taking it easy, resting up, and watching TV on an exotic island when Mario comes on the air bragging about how he’s the greatest racer to ever live.