Paste in the string you copied from the unity_builtin_extra file and select an extraction mode. Once you select the files, Il2CppDumper will ask you for the exact Unity version of your APK. global-metadata.dat from \assets\bin\Data\Managed\Metadata.libil2cpp.so from \lib\arm64-v8a (if using 64-bit APK).Launch Il2CppDumper.exe and select the following files:.Find an APK you want to explore on APK Mirror.It's a plain text string that can be copied easily. Unity version used in the game is located in the first line of the unity_builtin_extra file. Navigate to \assets\bin\Data\Resources and open unity_builtin_extra in a Text Editor of your choice.You can find the exact Unity version inside the APK:

In order to use Il2CppDumper, you need to know the exact Unity version used in the APK. In order to inspect their content, you will need to extract them.īefore you start: Finding Unity version from an APK Android apps are ZIP archives disguised as APK files. 7-zip or any other ZIP file extractor.Download the latest version of Il2CppDumper and extract it somewhere on your PC.In this guide we'll outline the steps required to extract the C# code using Il2CppDumper and some black magic 🧙. Android and iOS games built with Unity ship with enough meta data to restore a significant portion of the original C# code base, including enumerations, class and method names and strings. Unity games are built using C#, an open language developed by Microsoft and widely used in the game industry.